International Research Journal for Quality in Education

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International Research Journal for Quality in Education

Construction of Blended Teaching Model based on Ecological Horizon

Wang Yili and Sun Yidong*

With rapid development of micro-class and MOOCs, researches on blended teaching model have been growing vigorously. This study is to discuss the ecological deficiency of traditional classes, features of blended teaching model and how to complete the ecological construction of blended teaching model to arouse the reflection of experts and focus on the ecological problems in the reform of teaching models.

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Home Care for the Elderly in Poland. The Resources and Needs of Adult Children taking care of their Parents: A Research Report

Bartnikowska Urszula* and Ćwirynkało Katarzyna

This study is a research report whose aim is to give some insight into the resources of adult children providing care to their elderly, disabled parents. In order to acquire a comprehensive perception of the phenomenon, the authors chose an interpretivist paradigm and applied a phenomenographic method. 21 participants, aged 41-65, who were caregivers of their parents, took part in semi-structured interviews. Two main research problems were:

(1) How do the participants perceive their resources as caregivers of their elderly, disabled parents?

(2) What kind of support related to the care of their parents do they consider essential?

The participants distinguish two main kinds of resources: internal (e.g. values, passions, feelings for parents, economic situation) and external (e.g. parents, family, friends, professionals, medical equipment and centers they have access to). The narratives of the participants also indicate a number of needs they experience. Implications for practice are discussed.

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Co-Scholastic Assessment Attitude of Teachers towards CCE

Baskaran D.* and Meenatchi K.

Tamilnadu government implemented the CCE system in state board schools for the academic year 2012-2013. The Kothari Commission report (1966) supports that the learner’s growth including his personality traits, life skills, values, attitudes, wellness etc. which are not usually assessed by written examinations. In other words, evaluation shall include both scholastic and co-scholastic areas.

CCE refers to a system of school-based evaluation of students that covers all aspects of students’ development. This study is useful for the teachers’ change of attitude and outlook towards co-scholastic assessment in CCE. In this study we have discussed quality management in school education, teacher attitude, role of teachers’ attitudinal change in co-scholastic assessment, areas/skills and CCE registers.

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Innovation based Learning Indonesian ICT Web based Learning through Improving Competence in Writing to the Scientific Paper Students

Syahruddin* and Munirah

The general objective of this study was to find a new innovation-based learning Indonesian ICT (Information and Communication Technology) through the WBL (Web Based Learning) in improving the competence of writing scientific papers in high school students. The design of the study was conducted in the form of an experiment to see differences in learning Indonesian ICT-based learning without ICT. Number of the study sample was 72 students in each class; 36 students and 36 students a class experiment control. Data collection methods used are distributing questionnaires, observation format and test performance. Analysis of the data used SPSS 15.0 for windows.

The results showed the use of ICT through the medium of WBL learning Indonesian is very helpful in increasing the activity of students in writing scientific papers. Increased competence of students to write scientific papers obtained value tcount = 14.999. By using 95% confidence level, α = 5% and 18 degrees of freedom obtained by the TTable = 2.101. The analysis showed tcount> TTable (14.999> 2.101), then H0 was refused and H1 was accepted. Coefficient difference between the experimental class with a grade of 5.069 t gained control of the significant level p = 0.000. Because p <0.05, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the hypothesis one (H1) is accepted. Thus, the results of this study prove that one way that can be used in improving the competence of the students wrote a scientific paper is to utilize information technology and communications media through a web based learning in learning the Indonesian language.

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