Research Journal of Biotechnology

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Vol. 19(11) November 2024

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1. A study of some physiological parameters in patients previously infected with COVID-19

Hadi Ameer Mezher, Alfatlawi Wael Rasheed and Hameed Ahmed Shandookh

Page No: 1-6; doi:; Full Text

2. A study of the prevalence of psoriasis in the city of Fallujah and its correlation with some immunological and hematological parameters

Abdulkhaliq Roua Jamal, Almawla Saleem Obaid Gatia, Hussain Abdalwahab Bedwi, Ismael Anwar Khalil and Muhammed Rawaa Adnan

Page No: 7-13; doi:; Full Text

3. Antimicrobial activity of Zn-nanoparticles synthesized by leaf extract of Capparis spinosa

AL Zaher Razan M., Abderrahman Salim M., Abdulateef Safa M., Dheeb Batol Imran, Massadeh Muhannad I., Hussein Anmar Sael and Farhan Mohammed Sami

Page No: 14-21; doi:; Full Text

4. Association between some Serum Parameters in Iraqi Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and leptin receptor gene polymorphism

Mahmoud Fadaa A. and Abdul-Hassan Ismail A.

Page No: 22-27; doi:; Full Text

5. Bacterial Open Reading Frame-112 Gene Expression induces Mammalian Cell Instability

Al-Obaidi Rana Mohammed, Salih Gaza Farag, Fathi Narmeen Nasrulla, Aziz Sadat Abdulla and Nore Beston Faiek

Page No: 28-34; doi:; Full Text

6. Bacterial plasmid: A study of its role in resistance to some antibiotics and natural substances

Musa Farkad Hawas, Hussen Noor Mohammed, Hasan Anmar Nazar and Salih Thaer Abdulqader

Page No: 35-41; doi:; Full Text

7. Biosynthesis of Selenium and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles using Probiotic Bacteria against Food Spoilage Microorganisms

Abdullah Emad Abdulsattar, Jafar Nehan Bahaaldden and Badawi Sumyia Khalaf

Page No: 42-48; doi:; Full Text

8. Prevalence and Detection of the Toxoplasma gondii by serological technique and making a phylogenetic in pregnant women

Whaeeb Safa Tawfeeq, Alsadoon Zeid Mohsen and Fadhil Ali Hussein

Page No: 49-52; doi:; Full Text

9. Determination of Cadmium (Cd) and Arsenic (As) concentration in the Liver and Kidney of Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia) infected with Cestoda worms in Al-Nasiriyah City, southern Iraq

Maktook Afrah Abid, Al-Janabi Zahraa Zahraw, Farhan Rsul Zahraw, Khalaf Amal Khudair and Al-Hussaini Manar Galib Abbas

Page No: 53-60; doi:; Full Text

10. Effect of the injection of protoscolex antigens for hydatid cysts on some immunological parameters and the protection of injury

Hussain Abdalwahab Bdewi, Abbas Khetam Mohammed and Hamad Laheeb Rajab

Page No: 61-64; doi:; Full Text

11. Epidemiology of Hepatitis C virus among thalassemia patients in Al-Muthanna Province

Kareem Ahmed Shayaa, Khudhur Hasan Raheem and Hameed Alaa K.

Page No: 65-68; doi:; Full Text

12. Evaluation of bacteriophage effect against multidrug-resistant Proteus mirabilis isolated from different clinical samples

Hussein Mohammed Abdulkadhim and AL- Shwaikh Rana Mujahid Abdullah

Page No: 69-75; doi:; Full Text

13. Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of AgNPs from Lactobacillus plantarum against Acinetobacter baumannii

Ahmad Riyam Ghany, Farhan Rana Salim, Attallah Nada Ali and Hameed Ashwaq Talib

Page No: 76-82; doi:; Full Text

14. Evaluation of the histological Inflammation in the intestines of male mice infected with Entamoeba histolytica using immunohistochemistry technology

Khaleel Zinah Ibrahim, Abdulwahhab Intisar Ghanim and Al-Bairuty Genan Adnan Abdullatef

Page No: 83-88; doi:; Full Text

15. Exploration of the Molecular and Phylogenetic Aspects of Brucella intermedia (Ochrobactrum intermedia)

Zeadan Ayat Majeed, Abbas Sura Mouaid, Mahal Shaimaa Noori and Taher Noor M.

Page No: 89-95; doi:; Full Text

16. First-line antibiotic treatment of Salmonella Typhi isolated from Enteric Fever Children in Iraq

Faisal Anwer Jaber, Salman Hamzah Abdulrahman and Ali Mays Hussein

Page No: 96-100; doi:; Full Text

17. FOXO3 gene expression associated with Oxidative Stress in β-thalassemia Iraqi patients

Sadiq Jasim Mohammed and Hasan Basima Qasim

Page No: 101-107; doi:; Full Text

18. Gene expression of psID gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical causes

Raouf Tara Fouad Raouf, DÖlarslan Melda and AL- Shwaikh Rana Mujahid Abdul

Page No: 108-112; doi:; Full Text

19. Genetic diversity of some Iraqi Date palm cultivars using Some Morphological Markers

Hassan Nermeen Alaa and Hussein Nahlah Hamoody

Page No: 113-118; doi:; Full Text

20. Histological study to the thyrotoxicity between men and women of AL- Ramadi city

Hammadi Nahidah Ibrahim, Ali Loay H., Saleh Eman Naji and Hasan Raad N.

Page No: 119-124; doi:; Full Text

21. HLA-G rs1063320 Polymorphism with the incidence of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion (RSA) in Iraqi Women

Farhan Shireen H., Mahmood Shahad H. and Baqer Noor Nihad

Page No: 125-128; doi:; Full Text

22. IL-6 and procalcitonin levels in hemodialysis patients with fungal infection

Hussein Mustafa Ihsan, Mohammed Bari Lateef and Abbas Sahlah Khoursheed

Page No: 129-134; doi:; Full Text

23. IL-17F gene polymorphism in pulmonary tuberculosis

Ameen Nada Yas, Utba Nawal Mohammed and Abed Mohammed Qais

Page No: 135-142; doi:; Full Text

24. Measuring the Concentration of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) in People infected with Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Tikrit

Ali Noor Talal, Abdulwahhab Intisar Ghanim and Omear Hadeel Abdel Hadi

Page No: 143-146; doi:; Full Text

25. Molecular detection of bacteria causing diarrhea in human

Sagheer Zainab Makki, Jasim Haneen Fadhil, Abdulilah Hanan Abdul Qader, Hasan Raad Naji, Najim Thaar Mohammed and Saleh Eman Naji

Page No: 147-151; doi:; Full Text

26. Molecular detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from children with urinary tract infections

Altaee Zainab Agab, Jasim Saade Abdalkareem, Ashoor Estbrak Yahya and Hasan Raad N.

Page No: 152-155; doi:; Full Text

27. Phytochemical Profiling and Antibacterial Dynamics of Xanthium strumarium L Extract: Unlocking Potential Therapeutic Pathways

Ashoor Estbrak Yahya, Hameed Ashwaq Talib, Najim Thaar Mohammed and Hasan Raad N.

Page No: 156-164; doi:; Full Text

28. Study of liver function test and Vitronectin as biomarker for liver cell in Iraqi chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients with nucleophosmin 1(NPM) mutation

Abdullah Shaymaa Obaid, Kadhim Wurood Alwan, Al-Musawi Hawraa Sabah, Haider Ghania, Ketran Rana Mozher and Sahi Marwah Mohammed

Page No: 165-171; doi:; Full Text

29. Study of some physiological parameters in renal failure patients with hepatitis C virus infection

Salahdin Omar Dheyauldeen, Alani Safa Nadem, Saleh Raed Obaid, Jasim Saade Abdalkareem and Mohammed Thikra Majid

Page No: 172-178; doi:; Full Text

30. Studying the effects of algae, fungi, and plant aqueous extracts against Tribolium castaneum

Albayyar Azeddin A., Hamad Anas Abdullah, Salih Thaer Abdulqader, Ali Loay H. and Abdulhadi Haitham L.

Page No: 179-182; doi:; Full Text

31. The activity of silver nanoparticles produced by Aerococcus spp. against some Acinetobacter baumannii isolates

Hadi Duaa Hassan, Hadi Ameer Mezher and AL-Ameer Ali Mohammed Abd

Page No: 183-191; doi:; Full Text

32. The Antimicrobial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on some Fungi isolated from Otitis Media

Yousif Falah H., Mohammed Sanaa H. and Ali Muna J.

Page No: 192-198; doi:; Full Text

33. The assessment of several extraction methods, purification, and characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and studying its biological activity

AL-Mojamaee Nuha Abdulrazaq Hameed and ALtaii Hiyam Adil J.

Page No: 199-207; doi:; Full Text

34. The assessment of the minimum inhibitory concentration of Botulinum toxin on Staphylococcal bacteria isolated from Acne vulgaris and validating its impact through Polymerase Chain Reaction analysis

Madhi Adyan Abdulrahman and Alwan Baydaa Hus

Page No: 208-214; doi:; Full Text

35. The Identification and Characterization of the Resistance Genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae Plasmids Transformed in E. coli BL21(DE3)

Mohammed Abdulsalam Najm, Mohammed Tasnim Tariq, Buniya Harith K. and Al –Rawi Dhafer F.

Page No: 215-221; doi:; Full Text

36. The relationship between both biomarkers miR-21 and CA15-3 values and the clinic-pathological features of breast cancer Iraqi patients

Abbas Ruwaidah A.R., Hamad Laheeb R., Aziz Ismail H. and Abbas Rounaq

Page No: 222-228; doi:; Full Text

37. The Effects of PON1 (Q192R, rs662) Gene Polymorphism, Heavy metals and Oxidative Stress on Risk of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion in Samples of Iraqi Women

Hussein Zainab T. and Abdulhassan Ismail A.

Page No: 229-236; doi:; Full Text

38. The Role of CD279 and CD274 Gene Polymorphisms in Iraqi Patients with Multiple Sclerosis by using Real-time qPCR HRM Technique

Alwash Zena Faris, Hassain Ahmed Sadoon, Mohammed Maryam Qasim, Al-Saedi Mohanad Kareem Aneed and AL-Tameemi Ahlam Khaleefah Abdal

Page No: 237-243; doi:; Full Text

39. Virulence factors associated with hyper virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from Different Clinical Sources

Hasib Fatimah Artn, Abdullah Iman Tajer and Mohammad Farooq Ibrahim

Page No: 244-250; doi:; Full Text

40. Measurement of gene expression of FAS and FASL genes and thyroid hormones in patients with thyroid dysfunction in Anbar Governorate

Jassim Ahed Hamid and Khudhair Nagam

Page No: 251-256; doi:; Full Text

41. Efficiency of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-2549 Insertion/Deletion variation and VEGF level to predict Retinopathy in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Cases

Al‐Jboori Methaq J. and Hasan Raad N.

Page No: 257-263; doi:; Full Text

42. Influence of some Alu insertion sequences (insertion/deletion) variations in families discrimination

Al-Mamoori Ali Shakir Obeed and Al-Terehi Mona N.

Page No: 264-274; doi:; Full Text

43. Association of colon adenocarcinoma with SNPs variation of 3-untransulated region of Interlukin-23 Receptor

Alwaidh Roaa Hammed, Hashim Ali Fadhil, Al-Terehi Mona N. and Mahdi Liwaa Hussein

Page No: 275-281; doi:; Full Text

44. The high variable region II variation in Depression Disorders Patients: A Molecular Pilot Study

Muhammed Haidar J.

Page No: 282-286; doi:; Full Text

45. Mitochondrial tRNAAsn, tRNACys and tRNATyr encoding genes mutations landscape in colorectal cancer patient

Alnasrawy Hala Jumma, Al-Terehi Mona N. and Mahdi Liwaa Hussein

Page No: 287-293; doi:; Full Text