Vol. 10(1) March 2006
Completely Biodegradable Foams of Poly(propylene Carbonate)
Derived from Carbon Dioxide and Propylene Oxide
L. T. Guan, F. G. Du, M. Xiao1, R. K. Y. Li2 and Y. Z. Meng
Completely biodegradable foams of poly(propylene carbonate)
derived from carbon dioxide and propylene oxide were produced using azodiformamide
(AC) as chemical blowing agent, and zinc oxide (ZnO) as the activator to lower the
decomposition temperature of azodiformamide. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and
decomposition behavior of the modified-AC consisting of AC and ZnO were investigated
to optimize the composition of foam material. The formulation of the blowing agents,
the foaming temperature and the morphology of the produced poly(propylene carbonate)
foams were studied accordingly. The results demonstrated that the greatest blowing
ratio of 18 can be afforded in case 8phr blowing agent was used at 170oC for 30
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Opportunities Afforded by New Generation of Pulsed
Radiation Sources in Flash Radition Physics and Chemistry
Vladimir A. Gribkov, Aleksandr Dubrovsky, Marina A. Orlova and Marek Scholz1
The paper discusses new generation of devices irradiating
very short high-energy pulses of ionizing radiation. Various perspectives emerged
in radiation physics and chemistry owing to appearance of them dictate to use the
term “flash radiation chemistry” in its perfect sense only in a particular condition.
Viz. two prerequisites (spatial and temporal) must be fulfilled: overlapping of
individual effective interaction micro-volumes (e.g. spurs and blobs at water electrolysis)
and it has to be realized during a time interval (radiation pulse duration) that
is less compared with the corresponding physical-chemical process. Namely in this
situation it appears to be possible to change reaction rate, to influence reactions
at kinetic level, as well as to realize a number of synergetic (collective) effects.
The non-stationery and non-diffusive development of chemical processes has to be
counted as an intrinsic feature of the perfect flash radiation chemistry.
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UV Photodegradation of Triazine Pesticides and their
Šárka Klementov and Vlasta Píšková
UV (254 – 300 nm) photochemical degradation of three
chlorotriazine pesticides (atrazine, simazine, propazine) and two atrazine metabolites
(desethylatrazine and desisopropylatrazine) was investigated and photolytic rate
constants and quantum yields were determined. The rate constants were of the order
of magnitude 10-4 s-1 for all the substrates, higher for pesticides and lower for
metabolites. The photolysis proceeds via release of Cl- ions and formation of hydroxyderivatives
for all substrates. Metabolites are not formed in photolytic reaction. Metal (Fe3+)
ions and pH changes do not affect the reaction rate. Humic substances in natural
water samples slow down the reaction rate by optical filtration. 1O2 produced by
photosensitized reaction in pesticide solutions does not react with triazines.
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Studies on Surface Ozone in Chennai
M. Pulikesi, P. Baskaralingam, V. Ramamurthi and S. Sivanesan*
Surface ozone concentrations were measured in October
2004 and in March 2005 at Chennai in Tamilnadu by the UV absorption method. The
maximum and minimum hourly surface ozone concentrations were observed during October
and March. The hourly average values varied between 1 ppb and 50.27 ppb during the
above-mentioned period. The present ozone exposures are lower than the critical
levels of U.S EPA standard (120 ppb, maximum 1-h permissible concentration). The
ozone concentrations were found to be higher for lower Relative Humidity and during
the weekdays.
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Phase Equilibrium in the System Ln-Mn-O VIII Ln =
Pr and Lu at 1100 °C
Kenzo Kitayama and Takuya Yazaki
Phase diagrams of the Pr-Mn-O and Lu-Mn-O systems were
established at 1100°C at the oxygen partial pressures ranging from -log (Po2/atm)
= 0 to 13.00 and phase diagrams for the corresponding Ln2O3-MnO-MnO2 system at 1100°C
were constructed. Stable Pr2O3, Pr6O11, MnO, Mn3O4 and PrMnO3 phases were found
in the Pr-Mn-O system and Lu2O3, MnO, Mn3O4 and LuMnO3 phases were stable in the
Lu-Mn-O system. LnMn2O5, Ln2MnO4, Mn2O3 and MnO2 were not found in either system
under the present experimental conditions. Nonstoichiometric ranges were found in
both LnMnO3 phases with the composition of PrMnO3 and LuMnO3 represented as functions
of log (Po2/atm), No/NPrMnO3 = 1.10 x 10–3 (logPo2)2 + 2.34 x 10–2 (log Po2) + 0.1109
and No/NLuMnO3 = -2.89 x 10–4 (log Po2)2 + 7.11 x 10-4 log Po2 + 1.09 x 10–2. Activities
of the components in solid solutions were calculated from these equations. Lattice
constants of PrMnO3 and LuMnO3 quenched at different oxygen partial pressures were
determined and compared with previous values. The standard Gibbs energy changes
of the reactions appearing in the phase diagrams were also calculated. The relationship
between the tolerance factor (t) of LnMnO3 and the D °C values of the reaction,
1/2 Ln2O3 + MnO + 1/4 O2 = LnMnO3 , was plotted on the previous figure and shown
graphically. A general equation of Gibbs energy, DG0 (hexa) = -6.426 x 102 t + 5.406
x 102 for the above chemical equation of the hexagonal LnMnO3 was obtained. DG0
value of LuMnO3 for the transition from a hexagonal to a orthorhombic system was
obtained and added to our previous data obtained at 1100°C.
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Biochemical Composition of Some Marine Copepods
V. Ashok Prabu, P. Perumal and M. Rajkumar
Percentage composition of protein, lipid, carbohydrate
and fatty acid of 4 species of copepods collected from the inshore waters of Cuddalore
coastal waters were estimated following standard methodologies. Nutritional quality
of live feeds used in aquaculture is an important factor for survival and optimal
growth of larvae of finfishes and shellfishes. Copepods are considered to be a valuable
source of protein and an alternative ingredient to the more expensive Artemia salina.
Of the principal biochemical constituents, protein formed the major component followed
by lipid and carbohydrate. Protein content showed slight variations and ranged between
66.83 and 69.92%. The carbohydrate content varied from 7.31 to 9.20%. Higher accumulation
of lipids in copepods during phytoplankton blooms could be an adaptative phenomenon
and may function as metabolic reserve and insulation layer. The results, in general,
supported the view that protein may function as a metabolic reserve in copepods
and that the availability of a constant supply of food may render large amount of
lipid storage unnecessary in tropical copepods. The arachidonic acid (15.48%) and
DHA (10.74%) contents were found to be maximum in cyclopoid copepod, Oithona rigida
compared to other copepods. The present study also suggests that further research
is needed on the chemical characterisation of copepods, the developmental stages
of copepods based on dry diets and the effects of the replacement of fish meal with
copepod meal for commercial aquaculture species.
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Removal of Cadmium from Aqueous Solutions by Crab
Kenneth L. Dorris and Shyam S. Shukla
A waste from the seafood industry, crab shells, has been
used as a wastewater filter for treating metal ions in water. Chitosan, obtained
from partially converted crab shell waste was used to remove cadmium from water.
The metal uptake by partially converted crab shell waste was successful, rapid;
and the effect of pH was not prominent. The sorption occurred primarily within five
minutes. The adsorption observed behavior was very similar for both static and stream
methods. The sorption mechanism appears to be quite complicated and cannot be adequately
described by either the Langmuir or Freundlich theories. Various anions, chloride,
bromide, fluoride, acetate, sulfate, nitrate and phosphate were found to have a
very small effect on the capacity of the crab shells for uptake of cadmium. Advantages
of chitosan include availability, low cost, and high biocompatibility.
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Heavy Metal Analysis in Raphanus Sativus and Environment
T.I. Khan, Mayanka Kala and Richa Marwari
This paper contains results of a study carried out in
agricultural fields of Sanganer town. This town is situated about 20kms away from
the city center, Jaipur. In the study area (Amanishah Nalla Sanganer, Jaipur) vegetables
are grown in the fields receiving sewerage and textile waste water. Water, soil
and crop plant (samples) were collected from the agricultural fields of “Sanganer”
for analysis. Waste water (from Amanishah Nalla) used in irrigation of agricultural
fields of Sanganer town was found to contain 2.52 mg/l of Zinc, 1.95 mg/l of Copper,
1.12 mg/l of Nickel, 0.72 mg/l of Cadmium, 1.52 mg/l of Chromium, 2.11 mg/l of Lead
and 0.99 mg/l of Cobalt as the highest amount of respective heavy metals. Soil from
agricultural fields contained 2.91 mg/g of Zinc, 2.23 mg/g of Copper, 1.31 mg/g
of Nickel, 1.11 mg/g of Cadmium, 2.13 mg/g of Chromium, 3.12 mg/g of Lead and 1.10
mg/g of Co as the highest amount in the agricultural fields of Sanganer. Raphanus
sativus (plant material) grown in the study area was analyzed for heavy metal contents.
Plant material (root, stem or leaves) contained 1.25 mg/g of Zinc, 0.835 mg/g of
Copper, 0.709 mg/g of Nickel, 0.359 mg/g of Cadmium, 0.70 mg/g of Chromium, 1.019
mg/g of Lead and 0.376 mg/g of Cobalt as the highest amount of heavy metals. Consumption
of such vegetables (grown in agricultural fields containing polluted soil and waste
water) by human beings containing heavy metals in higher concentration is a matter
of concern since it may cause health hazards associated with different heavy metals.
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Thermodynamics of Micellization and Interfacial Adsorption
of Polyoxyethylated Octyl Phenol in 0.01 M NaCl at Air-water Interface
Pragnesh N. Dave, Narsidas J. Parmar and Shakil S. Sait
The surface properties of a polyoxyethylated octyl phenol
[C8H17-O(CH2CH2O)10-H] has been studied through surface tension measurements. The
surface excess (G) and the corresponding interfacial parameters have been computed.
The Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy of micellization (DGm0, DHm0, DSm0)
and of adsorption at air-water interface (DGad0, DHad0, DSad0) have also been evaluated.
An enthalpy-entropy compensation effect has been examined with an isostructural
temperature of 290 K for both the micellization and interfacial adsorption processes.
The minimum area per surfactant molecule and critical micellar concentration divulge
that both hydrophobicity and steric constraints of the surfactant play a pivotal
role in micelle formation.
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Spectral Characterization of Main Anthraquinone in
Himalayan Rhubarb (Rhehum Emodi)
Prem Raj, Ranjan Kumar and B.N. Singh
The main anthraquinone from roots of Himalayan rhubarb
was isolated. Structure of each isolated fraction was verified from previously reported
data for rhubarb. 1,8-dihydroxy-3-methyl anthraquinone, 1,8-dihydroxy-3-methyl 6-methoxy
anthraquinone, 1,3,8-dihydroxy-6-methyl anthra-quinone was main anthraquinone. The
structure was verified after spectral characterization of each fraction using UV-Vis,
IR, FAB-MASS and 1HNMR spectroscopy.
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Bio-Methanation of Sewage by UASB Reactor for Small
Anand Vashi
A pilot-scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)
reactor was operated over 250 days treating part of sewage from existing sewage
treatment plant at Singanpore site, Surat. The reactor was designed to handle sewage
flow of about 350 PE. The average influent organic pollution of sewage amounted
to 679.67 (134.93) mgCODtot/L with extreme values for the minimum and maximum, i.e.
432 and 1224 mgCODtot/L respectively. The average removal efficiency (with standard
deviation in brackets) of CODtot, and TSS was 63.12(9.33)%, and 70.47 (9.67)% respectively.
The temperature range of the sewage was typical for tropical regions, viz. 25-30°C.
The average biogas yield was obtained about 0.27 NM3CH4/kgCOD rem.
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Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Tert-butyl Alcohol
Degradation: A Density Functional Theory Study
Krishna L. Bhat, William H. Brendley, Jr. Mendel Trachtman and Charles W. Bock
Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters are reported for
a variety of the underlying chemical reactions potentially involved in the degradation
of tert-butyl alcohol (TBA). These parameters have been calculated using density
functional theory and, wherever possible, are compared with the corresponding data
obtained for the analogous reactions of the ubiquitous fuel additive methyl tert-butyl
ether (MTBE). These calculations confirm that uncatalyzed, unimolecular decompositions
and uncatalyzed hydrolysis reactions of TBA proceed very slowly under ambient conditions.
On the other hand, the acid catalyzed conversion of TBA to isobutene is known to
be an important mechanistic pathway for this alcohol, and simple model calculations
suggest that this reaction proceeds rapidly by forming a tert-butyl carbonium ion
intermediate. In the presence of a hydroxyl radical source, the dominant first step
in the degradation of TBA is hydrogen abstraction at one of the methyl groups or
at the hydroxyl moiety.
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Antibacterial Study of the Mannich Base, N-(1-morpholino-benzyl)semicarbazide
and its Transition metal(II) Complexes
N. Raman
The antibacterial activity of the monobasic bidentate
Mannich base ligand, formed by the condensation of semicarbazide hydrochloride,
morpholine and benzaldehyde, and its Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes
against the bacteria Klebsiela pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonous aeruginosa,
Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus and Eicherichia coli has been carried out
using nutrient agar as medium. The zones of inhibition of the synthesized compounds
are compared with the free ligand and the standard ampicillin. All the complexes
have higher activities than the free ligand and the standard.
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Fixed Bed Column Study for the Removal of Ni(ii) from
Aquatic Waste by NCRH
Upendra Kumar and Manas Bandyopadhyay
The fixed bed of sodium carbonate treated rice husk (NCRH)
was used for the removal of Ni(II) from aquatic waste. The NCRH was found to be
a efficient media for the removal of Ni(II) from wastewater. The column having a
diameter of 2 cm, with different bed depths such as 10, 20 and 30 cm could treat
0.66 l, 1.32 l and 2.05 l of Ni(II) bearing wastewater with Ni(II) concentration
10 mg/l and flow rate 9.5 ml/min. Different column design parameters like depth
of exchange zone, adsorption rate, adsorption capacity etc. were calculated. Effect
of flow rate and initial concentration was studied. Theoretical breakthrough curve
was drawn from the batch isotherm data and it was compared with experimental breakthrough
curve. 0.01 M HCl solution was used for desorption of adsorption column
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Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Active
Metal Complexes of Nimesulide
Divakara T. R., Nagaraja Naik, Arun V. S. and Pragasam A
Complexes of nimesulide with cobalt(II) nickel(II) and
manganous(II) have been synthesised. These complexes have been characterised using
elemental analysis, IR, TGA, 1H NMR, magnetic susceptibility and molar conductivity
measurements. These studies revealed that they are having octahedral geometry of
the type [ML(H2O)2X2] where M=Co(II), Ni(II) and Mn(II); L=C13H12N2SO5; X= Cl, Br,
ClO4 and 1/2SO4. These nimesulide metal complexes are biologically active. The invitro
antifungal studies indicated that these complexes are potent against a few tested
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Use of Dyes in Photo Galvanic Cells for Solar Energy
Conversion and Storage : Methyl Orange and Ascorbic Acid System
R. C. Meena and Gautam Singh
Photogalvanic effect was studied in photogalvanic cell
containing Ascorbic Acid as reductant and Methyl Orange as photosensitizer. The
photopotential and photocurrent generated were 740.00 mV and 140.00 mA, respectively.
The observed conversion efficiency was 0.6961% and the maximum power of cell was
76.04mW. The storage capacity of the cell was 45 minutes in dark. The effects of
different parameters on electrical output of the cell were observed and a mechanism
has been proposed for the generation of photocurrent in photogalvanic cell.
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Constraining Approaches in Seismic Tomography
Louis F. I., Vafidis A. P. and Louis I. F.
Two ways of dealing with the problems of stability and
uniqueness in travel time inversion are proposed. They involve constraining conditions
in the form of damping and smoothing of the solution. A direct evaluation of these
two proposed schemes is presented which is useful in the selection of optimum values.
A synthetic cross-hole data set with intermediate noise level was used in this study.
Data and model RMS misfits were plotted against damping/smoothing parameters. These
diagrams indicate that the damped least squares method gives acceptable results
for damping values which correspond to the region of local minimum for both types
of error. First and second difference regularization methods performed in general
better since noise was generally suppressed and better tomograms were obtained for
distinctive values of the free parameter, although harsh smoothing recovered no
observable velocity features.
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Review Paper : Envirocats - Ecofriendly Catalysts
S. S. Mahajan and S. S. Ghatpande
The conventional catalysts used in many organic reactions
are often corrosive acids with a high toxicity level. They are hazardous to handle,
produce a large volume of aqueous quench and are difficult to dispose off. The use
of environmentally friendly supported reagent catalysts is a good alternative to
the problems associated with traditional processes. The catalysts of Envirocat range,
the classic example of supported reagent catalysts, are now available and offer
a number of advantages over the conventional catalysts. The varied applications
of Envirocat catalysts along with their advantages are reviewed in this article.
Envirocat EPZG, EPIC and EPZ10 are discussed in more details.
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