Vol. 11(3) September 2007
A Coupling of Chemical Reaction and Fluxes in Open
Thermodynamic System
Teodorova Svetla
In spite of the significant development of Thermodynamics
in the last two decades, some questions have not been answered satisfactory. For
instance, a theory of direct coupling of chemistry and diffusion in membranes is
not yet developed. The problems concerning open thermodynamic systems, where chemical
reactions proceed and mater exchanges with the surroundings, are especially of interest
in context of further applications to biological systems. The present paper is a
simple effort to consider a possible formulating of a direct dependence between
fluxes and chemical reaction proceeding in an open thermodynamic system. The existence
of vectorial reciprocal coefficients, coupling chemical reaction and fluxes, when
the reaction advances in anisotropic membrane, is discussed. The relaxation of the
chemical affinity A to its steady state value is derived for a reaction coupled
with fluxes exchanged with the surroundings. Formula of relaxation of the chemical
affinity to equilibrium value is obtained as a particular case. The advancement
of reaction e is defined in open thermodynamic systems and it is shown that e depends
not only on the concentrations of the constituents but also on the fluxes. The results
obtained could be used in investigations of some irreversible processes in open
thermodynamic systems where a linear approximation of the phenomenological laws
could be assumed.
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Effect of Nitrite on Benzene Degradation linked to
Denitrification in Riverbed Sediments
Wu Yaoguo , Li Xiang, Hu Sihai, Zhang Yuezhou and Yin Dezhong
Microcosm tests were conducted to study the possibility
of benzene degradation as well as the effects of nitrite on the degradation linked
to denitrification with the coexistence of nitrite and nitrate in riverbed sediments.
Although nitrite appeared and even accumulated in some cases, benzene was degraded
in the riverbed sediments under denitrification conditions. At certain concentrations,
nitrite had the potential to enhance rather than inhibit the degradation. When the
initial concentration of total NO3--N and NO2--N was about 250 mg/L, enhancement
was greatest when NO2--N was at 186.45 mg/L. When the initial concentration of NO3--N
was 15.5 mg/L, enhancement was greatest when NO2--N was at 105.87 mg/L. During all
the test processes, the reaction rates and their rate constants for nitrite were
greater than for nitrate. This shows that nitrite is more readily used as an electron
acceptor to denitrification and aid microbes, and this may be the reason that nitrite
has the potential to enhance the degradation. Therefore, nitrite can be used to
enhance benzene degradation in riverbed sediments under denitrification conditions,
especially when the concentration of nitrate is low.
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Metal Recovery from Blast Furnace Sludge and Flue
Dust using Leaching Technologies
Banerjee D.
The blast furnace sludge and flue dust of iron & steel
industries have significant quantities of heavy metals that tend to hinder the process
of recycling of the valuable minerals in these wastes and at the same time pose
threat to the environment where they are disposed. The study was designed with the
aim of verifying the metal recovery efficiencies of acid, water and biomass (microorganisms)
from the solid wastes under laboratory conditions. Standard protocol was followed
for the analysis of wastes, maintenance of biomass and experiments to produce minimal
error. Chemical analysis revealed a high percent of iron in both type of waste.
Treatment with acid and water resulted in recovery that was comparatively higher
using 1 M H2SO4 for both sludge and dust. Water leaching proved inadequate for metal
removal under these conditions. The bioleaching experiment proved that Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans is more efficient in metal recovery than the fungal strains of Aspergilus
niger & Penicillium sp. The fungal leaching efficiency was found to be very low
and no appreciable metal values could be recovered. The residue analysis shows that
the material after leaching could be disposed.
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Reactions of 2, 4, 6-Trichlororesorcinol and Pentachlororesorcinol
with Monochloroamine in Methanol: Investigation of Products and Mechanisms
Heasley Victor L. ,Alexander Michael B., Baker Peter E., Boerneke Jeffery L., DeBoard
Ryan H., Gardner Jeffrey T., Herman Erica E. , Michaelson Scott T., Miller Evan
W., Ramirez Ashley M., Renfrow Ronald E., Royer Nicole R., Sator Lisa C., Wood Sarah
A. and Shellhamer Dale F.
This paper presents a comparison of the reactions of
two model compounds of the humic acids with monochloramine, NH2Cl. The humic acids,
which are present in drinking water, react with chlorinating agents when water is
chlorinated to give numerous contaminants. The model compounds discussed in this
paper are 2, 4,6-trichlororesorcinol (3), called TCR here, and 2, 2, 4, 4, 6-pentachlorocyclohex-5-en-1,3-dione
(4), which is often referred to as pentachlororesorcinol or PCR (the name used here).
A few years ago we reported on the reactions of (3) and (4) with NH2Cl in ether,
reactions which both gave the same products. For several years we investigated the
reaction of (4) with NH2Cl in methanol, MeOH, where 2,2,4,4, 6-pentachloro-5-methoxy-1,3-dione
(6) was the major product. Therefore, we were surprised when TCR (3) in MeOH with
NH2Cl gave only a trace of (6) and the following major products: (E-, Z-) methyl
2, 2, 4, 6-tetrachloro-6-3-oxohex-4-enoate (8,9) and (E-, Z-) methyl 2,4,6-trichloro-2,
6-dimethoxy-3-oxohex-4-enoate (10, 11). The TCR (3) products were minor in the reaction
of PCR (4) with NH2Cl in MeOH. Other products were formed in the two reactions and
are listed in Table 1, but the differences in amounts between products (6), (8/9)
and (10/11) confirmed that (3) was not on the reaction pathway to give (4) in MeOH,
as had occurred in our earlier study in ether. In addition, the reaction of (3)
with NH2Cl in MeOH was slow (24 hrs for completion); (4) and NH2Cl reacted rapidly
(complete in 10 mins). We suggest that the reactions of (3) and (4) are both occurring
by ion-radical mechanisms which are described in detail in this paper.
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Causes of Intraplate Seismicities in Indian Subcontinent
Ramanujam N. and Ravindran Antony
The overriding and stacking of the Eurasian and Indian
continents created highest mountain peaks of the Himalaya, the longest Frontal Thrust
faults and the highest Tibetan Plateau. The maximum convergence in the Himalaya
is accommodated as geological shortening for the few million years. Because of the
weight and immobility of the Himalaya and Tibet; the northward movement of the Indian
plate has been mired, as a result of that, the long identified single Indo – Australian
Plate has broken apart in the equatorial region. This deformation was first attributed
to the intraplate and now recognized as diffusion zone in response to the Himalayan
upliftment. Diffusion of plate boundaries is also identified is Bhuj region. The
flexure of the Indian plate has formed as hidden chain of mountains parallel to
the Himalaya and rises in the Central Indian Plateau. The frequency of the intraplate
seismicities is more in the Indian plate when compared to the other tectonic plates.
The horizontal forces generated due to convergences of plate boundaries in the north
and in the east, and a part of energy at the time of great earthquake like December
2004 dissipated back.
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Development of Methods of Phosphorylation of Citral
by Medial and Acidic Phosphites
Nizamov Il’yas S., Bolshakova Olga V., Nizamov 1Il’nar D., Sergeenko Gulnur G. ,
Mironov Vladimir F., Yambushev Farid D.1,Batyeva Elvira S. and Alfonsov Vladimir
The reactions of trimethyl phosphite with citral in the
presence of acetic acid, triphenyl phosphite with citral in the presence of water
and trimethyl phosphite with citral in the presence of water and triethylamine
in the methanol solution were studied. On the basis of these studies, dienyl 1-hydroxyphosphonates
were obtained. A convenient method of synthesizing unsaturated 1-hydroxyphosphonates
was developed on the basis of reaction of dialkyl phosphites with citral in the
presence of triethylamine in molar ratio 4:2:8 in alcohol solutions.
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High Performance Liquid Chromatography reverse phase
method for determination of Nitazoxanide from Pharmaceutical formulations (Oral
Suspension and Tablets)
Harlikar Jayvant Narayan and Amlani Arun Mahendra
The aim of the study is to develop a high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay method for rapid and accurate determination of
Nitazoxanide from Pharmaceutical Formulations (Oral Suspension and Tablets). The
experimental procedure involved Diode Array detector (at 240nm), mobile phase (0.005M
tetra-butyl ammonium hydrogen sulphate and acetonitrile in the volume ratio of 35:65
with the flow rate of 1.0 mL per minute) and an Inertsil ODS 3V C-18 (250 mm x 4.6
mm, 5m size) column. A calibration curve of mean peak area vs. concentration showed
good linearity within the LOQ (0.2%) and 180% of the test range. The recoveries
ranged from 99% to 102%. The % RSD for Intra day and Inter day was = 2.0 for both
oral suspension as well as tablets. Excipients present in the dosage forms did not
show any interference with the Nitazoxanide.
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Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies of the Adsorption
of Nitrates Ions in Aqueous Solutions by Activated Carbons and Zeolite
Mbadcam Joseph Ketcha, Ngomo Horace Manga, Kouotou Daouda and Ngamou Patrick Herve
The batch removal of nitrates from aqueous solution using
three adsorbents- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC), powdered activated Carbon (PAC)
and a Zeolite (molecular sieve 5Å) was investigated in this study. The influence
of initial concentration of nitrates ions (100 to 700 mg/ L) and pH (2.86 to 12.13)
have been reported. Adsorption of nitrate ions is highly pH-dependent with the optimum
pH for the removal found to be in the range 2.8 < pH < 6.5 for the three types of
adsorbents. Comparison of a first order and second order kinetic model applied to
the adsorption of the nitrate ions from solution showed better agreement of the
experimental data with the second order kinetic model.
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Characterization of Lignin isolated from paper mill
Murali Krishna M.P.S., Moses G.S. and Murali Krishna K.V.S.G.
Waste is not a waste it will become resource if properly
utilized. Instead of releasing lignin through effluents into water bodies from paper
& coyer board manufacturing units, It may be better option to extract it from effluents
and to use binder, dispersant, emulsifier, sequestrant in an eco friendly way. Here
an attempt has been made to characterize the lignin isolated from effluents of Andhra
Pradesh Paper Mill located at Rajahmundry by elemental analysis, methoxyl analysis
and molecular weight analysis, UV, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The C9 formula for
lignin was C9 H9.36O4.56 (OCH3)1.23 and the lignin was guaiagyl-syringyl type.
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XPS, NMR and SBET Studies of Native Clinoptilolite
Functionalized with Carbonaceous Substances
Chmielewská Eva
The paper deals with fabrication of carbonized and hydrophobized
clinoptilolite based adsorbents using organic carbon rich substances which were
pyrolytic combusted and covered the external zeolite surface. Hydrophobization of
the zeolite external surface was accomplished by octadecylammonium surfactant. Both
surface modified clinoptilolite dominated zeolites were examined and compared with
each other in regard to organic (phenol) and inorganic (chromate, arsenate) pollutants
removal from aqueous solutions and so far elaborated composites with surface adsorbed
pollutant species were analysed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Surface
of such a clinoptilolite-rich tuff composite and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H
NMR) measurements were undertaken to supplement the characterization of these advanced
nanosized zeolite based materials respectively.
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Impact on the Quality of Water after Tsunami on the
Dug wells in Chellanam- A Tsunami Affected Area in Southern India
Remya L. , Geetha R.1 , Chandramohanakumar N. and Mathews L.
The deadly Indian Ocean tsunami that swept across coastlines
on 26 December 2004 took the lives of more than 2,00,000 people. The whole southern
coast of India, including Kerala, was hit by the devastating tsunami. This study
involves the water quality analysis of five dug wells from Chellanam, a Tsunami
affected area in Kochi, Kerala. As the ocean water comes ashore, drinking water
wells can become submerged and potentially contaminated with microorganisms and
chemicals that adversely affect human health. The water quality parameters like
temperature, pH, TDS, DO,BOD, COD, hardness, chloride, fluoride, phosphate, nitrate,
sodium, potassium and cadmium were studied by various analytical techniques. It
was found that most of the water quality parameters are not in the acceptable limits
in accordance with WHO drinking water quality standards. Before Tsunami these waters
were used for domestic and drinking purposes but after Tsunami most of the well
water became contaminated by making the water salty.
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Primary and Secondary Pollutants Monitoring around
an Urban Area in the State of Kuwait: A Three Years Study
Khan A. and Al-Salem S.
Data collected for a period of three years was analyzed
and studied for the purpose of assessing the outdoor air quality of an urban area.
The objective was to monitor major primary and secondary pollutants including benzene,
toluene, NO2, Cl2, CH4, H2S, non-methane hydrocarbons (HCnM) and SO2 levels in the
ambient. Data filtration was performed to execute a series of concentration roses
to identify the main prevailing winds and major contributing air pollution sources.
Local rules and regulations regarding ambient limits enforced by Kuwait Environment
Public Authority (KUEPA) were cross referenced. The majority of the airborne pollutants
was in an increasing trend for a number of industrial, over working conditions and
specifications reasons.
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The Effects of Na+ and Nonionic Surfactant on the
Biosorption of Lead (II) Using Sargassum ilicifolium
Caparanga Alvin R., Rodriguez Bayani I. Jr. and Aguilar Felicitos M.
Few studies on biosorption have considered the effects
of the components present in actual wastewater. Nonionic surfactant Triton X-100
and Na+ were used to represent the impurities that could limit the uptake of heavy
metal by the biomass prepared from Sargassum ilicifolium. In this investigation,
four sets of batch experiments were done with each set consisting of lead biosorption
system in the presence of the following other impurities: lead (II) alone, lead
(II) + NaCl, lead (II) + Triton X-100, and lead (II) + NaCl + Triton X-100. This
study attempts to elucidate the effects of interfering and competing species with
lead (II) in water effluents from industrial plants. Compared to the sorbent performance
in single-metal systems [lead (II) alone], the effect of both Triton X-100 and Na+
resulted in a considerable reduction in lead (II) uptake by the adsorbent. The effect
of the wetting agent extends to all concentrations that lowered the equilibrium
loading by 2 mg lead (II )/ g sorbent on the average; on the other hand, the decrease
caused by Na+ was significant only in solutions with low starting concentration
of the desired adsorbate. In the presence of both, however, the amount adsorbed
by the biomass was greater compared to when only one of the two hindering species
was added in the artificially prepared wastewater. Nevertheless, the presence of
impurities reduced the mass of heavy metal extracted.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Ligand Cobalt(II)
Complexes of Iminodiacetic Acid and Hippuric Acid
Kumar G.
Mixed ligand cobalt (II) complexes, Na [Co {NH (CH2COO)2}
(C6H5CONH CH2 COO). H2O].8H2O and Na[Co{NH (CH2 COO)2}(C6H5 CO NH CH2 COO). H2O].4H2O
formed with iminodiacetic acid and hippuric acid have been synthesized and characterized
by their elemental analysis, infra-red spectra, electronic spectra and magnetic
measurements. Iminodiacetic acid shows a tridentate behaviour with the coordination
occurring through the carboxylate oxygen atoms and the nitrogen atom. Hippuric acid
acts as a bidentate ligand coordinating through the carboxylate oxygen atom and
the nitrogen of the amido group. The sixth coordination position is satisfied by
the water molecule.
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Mini Review-Green Cluster: Multicomponent Reactions
as a Green Approach
Eufrânio Nunes da Silva Júnior
A new, green, multicomponent reaction (MCRs) approach
offers a straighforward route to generate complexity and diversity in a single operation.
MCRs is great tool in combinatorial chemistry.
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Review Papers: Electrosorption: An Alternative Option
for Desalination
Qi Daoduo, Zou Linda and Hu Eric
Electrosorption is generally defined as adsorption on
the surfaces of charged electrodes by applying potential or current. Electrosorption
deionization method is a low-pressure non-membrane deionization process, with the
potential to be a low energy cost alternative for desalination in the future. In
this paper, the principle and mechanism of the electrosorption deionization method
are discussed, the materials and properties of the electrode used in electrosorption
process are summarized and the application and prospect of this promising desalination
method are reviewed.
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Flocculation in Paper and Pulp Mill Sludge Process
Hakkarainen Katja and Sillanpää Mika
The flocculation of activated sludge is an active process
and depends upon physical, chemical and biological factors. The basis of activated
sludge floc formation lies in the abilities of micro-organisms to stick to each
other and to nonbiological particles. Flocculation is an important phenomenon in
the sludge process. Well flocculated sludge settles better, is easier to dewater
and leads to a better quality effluent than poorly flocculated sludge. This paper
deals with the mechanisms of flocculation, parameters that affect on flocculation
and improvement of flocculation.
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