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Catalysis in SDS and CTAB micellar media: Kinetics of base hydrolysis of Bis(2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine) iron (II)

Leela Kumari B., Shyamala P. and Nagalakshmi K.V.

Res. J. Chem. Environ.; Vol. 28(1); 80-84; doi:; (2024)

Kinetics of the hydrolysis of [Fe(tptz)2]2+ in the presence of NaOH has been studied in two different types of micellar media: SDS anionic and CTAB cationic. The reaction was found to be much faster in both the micellar media compared to aqueous medium (kSDS = 102.2 X10-4 mol-1dm3s-1, kCTAB = 43.92 X 10-4 mol-1dm3s-1, kaq = 0.115 X10-4 mol-1dm3s-1). The reaction obeys first order kinetics with respect to both the reactants in both the media.

The rate constant versus surfactant profile shows a maximum in both cases which is characteristic of a bimolecular micelle catalyzed reaction. The kinetic behaviour has been accounted for by using the Berezin model.