Vol. 6(1) March 2002
Induction of Metachromasia by Small Molecules in Neutral
Ashoke Kumar Bhattacharyya and Amitabha Saha
The dye neutral red [NR,3-amino -7-(dimethyl amino)-2-methyl
phenazine mono hydrochloride, C.I-50040]is a cationic dye belonging to azine group.It
is a pH dependent dye having different values of lmax at different pH of its solution
. The spectrum of the aqueous solution of neutral red (2.0-5.0X10- 5 M,pH ~ 6.5,
lmax=540nm) undergoes both hypsochromic and hypochromic shifts with the increase
of pH ( from pH 7 onwards ) and blue shifted band appears around 460 nm . The solution
of neutral red (pH ~ 6.5 , 2.0-5.0 X10-5 M) suffers blue shift of its monomeric
band (a band) by about 10 nm in presence of potassium ferrocyanide, potassium ferricyanide,
ammonium metavanadate. Dextran sulphate (DS,eq.wt 167, charge density 2.0 per monosaccharide
unit ), a polyanion of high charge density acts as a strong chromotrope and induces
blue shift of a- band of NR by 40 nm . Stoichiometry determination through conductometric
titration reveals that neutral red binds with potassium ferrocyanide, potassium
ferricyanide, ammonium meta vanadate and dextran sulphate in the molar ratio of
~4:1, 3:1, 1:1 and 2:1 respectively . A mechanistic model has been suggested to
account for the induction of metachromasia in suitable cationic dyes by monoanionic
substrate like vanadate and thermodynamic parameters for the dyesalt interactions
at different temperatures have also been evaluated.
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Ipomoea tridentata seeds: A potential source of Commercial
V. Singh, A. Srivastava, M. Pandey, V. Srivastava and R.Sethi
A nonionic water-soluble galactomannan, having galactose
and mannose in 2:5 molar ratio was isolated from endosperm of I. tridentata seeds.
The seed gum has branched structure consisting of a linear chain of b (14) linked
mannopyranosyl units with D-galactose side chains attached through a (16) linkage
to the main chain, a fundamental structural pattern found in other commercial galactomannans.
The gum was subjected to viscosity behavior study at different conditions of concentrations,
temperature and pH. Gum solutions showed similar behavior to the Guar and was found
stable to wide range of pH. The gum was modified chemically through grafting of
acrylamide on to the gum in aqueous medium, using Cu++/ metabisulphite system in
presence of oxygen at 35 2C, to give these natural polymer new applications. After
grafting viscosity of the gum solution was found to increase and became resistant
to biodegradation. Thus lpomoea tridentata seed gum is thus in natural form and,
after modification by grafting may find use as commercial gum.
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Decolorizing Dyes with Hypochlorite and Ozone
Shadia El Rafie
Selected commercial dyes were treated with hypochlorite
and ozone as oxidizing agents. The effect of pH, temperature and time on the treatment
process were investigated. Rate extent of color removal was determined spectrophotometrically
and TOC was measured too. It was found that, at room temperature, ozone completely
decolorized dyes solutions in a relatively short time period while hypochlorite
removed the color at a rate of 30:100%. Also, ozonation lowered the pH and raised
the conductivity.
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Estimation of Aluminium at Ultra Trace Levels in Environmental
and Biological Matrices using Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
S. Mahapatra, R.M. Tripathi, R. Raghunath, A. Vinod Kumar and S. Sadasivan
Electro thermal atomic absorption spectro-photometry
(ET-AAS) has been used for the determination of Al in a variety of environmental
and biological samples. The detection limit of Al using ET-AAS was found to be 0.3
ng ml 1. The precision of the method is established by analysing a synthetic mixture
containing various elements in different quantities (0.5-10 ppm) and is found to
be within 10%. The reliability of estimation is further assessed through the analysis
of Standard Reference Materials (SRMS) of Soil-7, SL-3, SD-M2/TM and Hay (V-10)
obtained from IAEA. The results indicate that the average concentration of aluminium
in air particulate samples is 5.3 mg m 3. The frequency distribution of Al in serum
samples shows that 85.6% values are below 2.5 ng ml 1.
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An Economic and Environmentally-friendly use of Basalt
Rock Dust, a potentially Hazardous Waste Product of Stone Crushing Plants for Soil
B. Lalljee
The basalt stone crushing industry in Mauritius is of
prime economic importance and forms one of the pillars of modern Mauritius. However,
it is also one of its major air polluters. Apart from noise pollution, the rock
dust emanating from theseplants is potentially hazardous to the environment and
to human health. Reports of increased levels of lung diseases and other respiratory
problems among inhabitants living near these plants have directly implicated this
industry. These pollutionand health problems are predicted to increase substantially
with the increasing activity of these plants in response to increasing national
demands. This is further exacerbated with the recent total ban on the use of coral
sand for construction purposes and its replacement by basalt rock sand. In an attempt
to find a solution to this problem, the potential for using rock dust in agriculture
was investigated in this study. Basalt rock sand and rock dust of various fractions
(<0.5 mm, 0.5-2 mm, 2-4 mm) were added to soil at varying rates (20 T/ha, 40 T/ha,
80 T/ha) in replicated trials and their effects on various soil parameters were
studied. Results subjected to statistical analyses showed an overall improved fertility
of the treated soil. This paper reports the results only for trace elements (Zn,
Cu, Fe, Mn, B) in soil. The availability to plants of these nutrients in soil was
significantly increased, for example, available Zn increased by 78%. Maize grown
in rock dust-amended soil showed positive response in terms of yield and concentration
of these trace elements in the leaves. The concentration of these nutrients in the
soil, as well as in the plant, increased with the increasing rate of rock dust applied.
It is concluded that rock dust, a waste product of the stone crushing plants, can
effectively be used to improve soil fertility and increase yield of crops. This
strategy is a safe and economic way of the disposal of rock dust and reduces considerably
atmospheric pollution. It is also a new paradigm in the eco-friendly management
of soil fertility and is a form of remineralisation or rejuvenation of the soil.
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Role of GA3 on Amino Acid and Protein Content and
on Electrophoretic Profile of Leaf Protein in Mung Bean under Salt Stress
Nandini Chakrabarti and S. Mukherji
Application of NaCl (E C value 4.0 m mhos/cm) resulted
in about 67% reduction in amino acid content and 24% reduction in buffer soluble
protein content in Vigna radiata leaf as compared with the control set. Gel electrophoretic
profile of protein content in leaf showed an extra band in between 29 kD and 45
kD in stress protein profile as compared with control. The pretreatment with GA,
ranging from 107 M to 105 M in restoring the metabolic alterations imposed by NaCl
salinity was investigated in mung bean. It was noted that the hormone used in the
present study was able to overcome to variable extents the adverse effects of stress
imposed by NaCl solution.
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Obstruction Effect for Self-Diffusion of Cesium Ions
in Agar Gel Containing Cesium Halides at 25C
N. S. Rajurkar and N. A. Gokarn
The obstruction effect in the self-diffusion of alkali
metal halides is measured at different electrolyte concentrations using the zone-diffusion
technique. The obstruction effect calculated in terms of a is found to decrease
with increasing concentration of an electrolyte. These observations are explained
on the basis of competitive hydration between ions and agar molecules.
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A Green Way of Protection against Corrosion and Scaling
D. Gopi, P. Malini, S. Ramesh and S. Rajeswari
Effect of the naturally occurring compounds like Opuntia
dillenii (stem) and Azadirachta indica (leaves) -were assessed for corrosion and
scale formation on mild steel in groundwater media. Extracts of these compounds
showed nominal inhibition efficiencies. These results are compared with commercially
available inhibitor like Acexcel 31.
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Characterisation of p-Cellulose
N.A. Sharma, P.N. Singh and M.G. Shet
p-Cellulose was prepared by adding phosphoric acid and
urea. The parameters such as elemental analysis, moisture content, ion exchange
capacity, effect of quantity and concentration were studied. The ion exchange capacity
increases with decrease in hydrated ionic radii. The observed exchange capacity
is more for Ba+2 ions than that of Mg+2, Ca+2, Sr+2 ions. Ion exchange capacity
increases with increase in quantity and concentration of metal ions.
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Study of Efficacy of Vinylchloride-Vinylacetate (VC-VAc)
Copolymer based Heliothis Armigera Pheromone Dispensers in Cotton Field
Kartick Gupta and M. Yaseen
The efficacy and performance of VC-VAc copolymer based
dispensers loaded with a certain amount of Heliothis armigeia pheromone have been
studied by conducting experiments in cotton fields at two different locations. Various
parameters like i) plasticizer content, ii) concentration of pheromone, iii) thickness
of the dispenser and iv) filler content in the dispenser as well as density of traps
in the field and type of trap are subjects of study. It is established that 200
mm thick, 2 cm x 2 cm dispensers containing 2 mg/cm2 pheromone, dimethyl phthalate
(plasticizer) 15% and fillers (titanium dioxide and zinc oxide in 1:1 volume ratio)
content 10% by volume have better performance in the field experiments. Relatively
more insects are caught per trap when two traps are placed in one acre in comparison
to 5 traps in one acre. In traps which do not have baffles around the lure, the
number of catches are relatively more than that in the case of traps which have
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Synthesis of Monocationic Complexes of Chlorine, Bromine
and Sulphur
Dilip K. Sanyal and Vuyani Maqanda
Monocationic complexes [E+C10Hx(NO)n (NHCOCH3)] PF6,
where E=Br x=21 and n=3, and E= either Cl or S, x=22 and n=2 were synthesised from
a well stirred/ refluxed 1:2 mixture of cyclam (14-ane N4) and molecular E in acetonitrile
(MeCN) followed by reaction of the mixture with excess (1:>l.5 mol ratio) mild oxidising
agent,NOPF6.The complexes were characterised by the elemental analysis, infrared
and 1H and 13C nmr spectra. It is suggested that the formation of the acetamido
complex as evidenced from the characteristic vibration frequencies as well chemical
shifts in the cyclam is the result of solvent capture by NO+ followed by hydrolysis.
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Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Pd
(II) using 2-Acetyl Thiophene thiocynate.
Avinash B. Chaudhary, S.Nirupa And R.S. Lokhande
2-Acetyl Thiophene thiocynate (ATT) was synthesized and
its characterization study was carried out using elemental analysis, IR and NMR
techniques. The new reagent was proposed as extractant for development of extractive
Spectrophotometric method for determination of Pd (II) Metal. The reagent complexes
with the metal to produce yellow colored complex which was then extracted into Ethyl
acetate at pH 5.8-6.2 having absorption maxima at 450 nm. The thermal study showed
that the extraction reactions are exothermic in nature with the reagent, and the
stoichiometric ratio of Pd (II) to 2-Acetyl Thiophene thiocynate in organic phase
was 1:2 The method permits separation and determination of Palladium from Palladium
Catalysts and Binary mixture.
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Studies on Bio accumulation of Selective Heavy Metals
in a Tropical Ecosystem
S.Pani, A. Bajpai and S.M.Misra
Selective heavy metals, Mn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Hg, Cd, Ni and
Zn in water, macrophytes and fishes were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
(Parkin Elmer Analyst 100). Higher values of Zn, Ni, Hg, Cr and Pb were observed
in plants in comparison to water and fish. Although heavy metal concentration in
the fish was found within the permissible limit but liver recorded higher accumulation
of Ni, Mn, Cr and Pb.
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