World Researchers Associations

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Dr. Jyoti Garg,
Director, World Researchers Associations

Sector AG/80, Vijay Nagar,
A.B. Road, Indore, 452010,


Welcome to our Journals

Urgent for Authors

(Publication is free of cost in all our journals; Our current issue is always open access.)

We publish the following double blind peer reviewed journals:

1. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment: Monthly Journal, E-ISSN: 2278-4527; Indexed in SCOPUS, Chemical Abstracts, UGC, NAAS, Indian Citation Index etc.

2. Research Journal of Bio Technology: Monthly Journal, E-ISSN: 2278-4535; Indexed in Web of Science, SCOPUS, BioTechnology Citation Index®, Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, ESCI, UGC, NAAS, Indian Citation Index etc.

3. Disaster Advances: Monthly Journal, E-ISSN: 2278-4543; Indexed in: SCOPUS, Geobase(Elsevier), UGC, Indian Citation Index etc.

4. Advances in Management: Quarterly Journal, E-ISSN: 2278-4551; Indexed in Cabell's Directory, RePEc, ERA, Ulrich, Proquest, Indian Citation Index etc.

5. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine; Quarterly, E-ISSN: 2320-3730; Indexed in: NAAS, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, Genamics JournalSeek, Indian Citation Index etc.

We wish to add many more journals soon in many subjects and new fields of research in coming years. We do not believe in pay journals. Pay journals block creative research. We do not charge any kind of fees (open access contribution charge, submission charge, per page charge, publication charge, processing charge etc.) for submission, acceptance and publication of manuscript for any of our journals.

Join our journals as editors and reviewers. Please send your CV and at least one recent manuscript in our journals for publication and evaluation.

We do not accept manuscripts for publication that have already been published, in whole or in part in any of the journals. All figures included in manuscripts should be original. In addition, we will not consider submissions that are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. We will consider manuscripts that have been deposited or published as a thesis, or presented at conferences. Please go through our policies before submitting the manuscript. Please follow the instructions at "Urgent for Authors". Link is:

Authors are expected to follow publication ethics, specifically regarding authorship, dual publication, plagiarism etc. We wish to publish good research and authors are requested to cooperate with us.

Our Table of Impact factors.

Name of Journal

SCI Impact Factor

SJR Impact Factor

SNIP Impact Factor

Cite Score

NAAS Rating

UGC, India Indexing

Indian Citation Index

Research Journal of Biotechnology

0.233 for year 2016
(continued), indexed in Web of Science and ESCI

0.147 for year 2023

0.221 for year 2023

0.6 for year 2023;

4.39 for year 2024



Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment

SCI impact factor was  0.636 for year 2012

0.137 for year 2023

0.216 for year 2023

0.5 for year 2023;

4.59 for year 2024



Disaster Advances

SCI impact factor was  2.272 for year 2012

0.166 for year 2023

0.352 for year 2023

0.7 for year 2023;




International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Also Indexed in ResearchBib, CiteFactor, Genamics JournalSeek etc.

3.57 for year 2024

Advances In Management

Also Indexed in Cabell's Directory, RePEc, ERA, Ulrich, Proquest etc.

3.35 for year 2023
