World Researchers Associations

Corporate Identity Number of WRA licensed by Govt. of India: U80902MP2018NPL045871;
Income Tax PAN No. AACCW2124L; Niti Aayog Unique ID MP/2018/0209358
Donations to WRA are exempted under 80-G.

Please be aware of fake websites running similar to our name and website. Please do not submit any manuscript or any payment to them.


Someone has made fake website of WRA for Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment by using our Print ISSN and SCOPUS indexing. Please be aware and do not send manuscripts to that fake website.


• No publication charges
(Payments only for early publication).
• Rejection rate 40%.
• Publication one month ahead.
For example, the April 2024 issue will be published by us in last week of February 2024 online and so on.
• Many advantages to Fellow Members.

News Flash


Work for us

World Researchers Associations will provide work to needy bright students studying or doing research in colleges and universities. Students anywhere in the world can earn 20% commission if they help us in our membership drive for individuals as well as for institutes. For example, if a student makes five Indian institutes as our annual members in a month, then he will earn Rs. 8000/- as commission in one month. If he makes more members, then commission can be increased.

Students having good knowledge of English and the subject concerned can be proof readers as well for which they will be provided salary on regular basis depending upon their work.

Meritorious research students can also apply for travel grants or research projects or research assistance and our organization can be helpful for them because we collaborate for research with different countries of the world.